*Remote Support is a billable service*
AVS Tech Team Remote Support is available Weekdays, 8 AM to 5 PM, excluding holidays. Please call 888-282-4943 for assistance.
By clicking an “I AGREE” button below, you acknowledge that Remote Support is a billable service offered by the AVS Tech Team and agree to pay the minimum charge of $15.00 for the first 15 minutes as well as any additional five-minute blocks of service at a rate of $60.00 per hour. All additional blocks of time are charged in five-minute increments.
Click the “I AGREE” button below that corresponds with your operating system to download the AVS Tech Team Remote Support program.
Launch the downloaded program. It may be in your “Downloads” folder, or visible within the bottom bar of your browser window.
Give the 9-digit number to your AVS Tech Team technician.
At the conclusion of your session, close/quit the program to ensure your computer cannot be remotely accessed until you download and run the program again.